Information for Healthcare Professionals

The NOD contains data from two National clinical audits that measure and protect patient safety and professional standards. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) runs the Audit which measures the outcomes of Cataract Surgery and now includes a new Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) audit.

Search Cataract Surgery Results for operations undertaken between 01 April 2022 and 31 March 2023. The first set of AMD data is currently being analysed.

NOD is a core element of the RCOphth's quality improvement work delivering on the organistion's vision to ensure everyone has access to and receives high quality eye care for prevention and treatment of eye disease to optimise, preserve and restore sight.

Cataract Audit Participation & Data access

The audit is intended to quality assure cataract surgery for patients. It serves as a powerful driver of quality improvement with year on year reductions in complication rates. Data is received from both public and private sectors and the RCOphth encourages participation of all cataract surgery service providers.

AMD Audit Participation & Data access

The audit aims to improve the care patients undergoing AMD treatment receive. The Audit will provide quality assurance measures for key outcomes and inform quality improvement of services. Information will be collected on care provided care against specific metrics. 

RCOphth Congress May 2025

Featuring sessions covering the latest innovations and research including sessions from the NOD team.

Leeds INJLOAD Clinics Case Study

Find our how Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has used the AMD Audit outputs to initiate change in the care pathway