About the AMD Audit

Launched in 2021, the AMD audit aims to improve the treatment and care that patients receive. We welcome participating sites to submit clinical data, collected as part of routine clinical care, to NOD for analysis.

The audit aims to provide real-world benchmarks and enable patients, providers and commissioners to compare clinical outcomes and key care processes at different centres. This will enable informed decision-making and patient choice. It will also help to identify best practice, areas where changes in the care pathway may be necessary and drive change to improve treatment outcomes. 

  • AMD remains the leading cause of sight impairment, despite new treatment options
  • It is estimated to affect 700,000 people in the UK with 39,800 patients developing “wet” or neovascular AMD each year
  • The number of people with AMD is expected to rise by 60% by 2035
  • Prompt diagnosis, initial treatment and continued treatment over several years are vital to maintaining vision and reducing irrecoverable visual loss
  • The UK AMD Audit is now in its third year of operation and aims to improve the care patients undergoing AMD treatment receive
  • Data as set out in the AMD Audit Data Set  is collected as part of routine clinical care using Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems in treating hospitals 
  • The next data extraction will take place in June 2025


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