Who's who

The NOD team members and contact details are listed below. Please be advised that the RCOphth does not provide a clinical advice service, nor can we help with issues or complaints in relation to the NHS or private practice. We are unable to recommend ophthalmic surgeons or expert witnesses.

Main contact details:

NOD Steering Group

The Steering Group is responsible for the oversight and management of the National Ophthalmology Database (NOD) Audit. The group consists of ophthalmologists (RCOphth members) and a range of co-opted professionals, lay members and patient representatives.

Audit specific management groups are responsible for advising the RCOphth in specialist or technical issues and are responsible for the management and oversight of the relevant national clinical audit e.g. cataract, AMD.  

  • Mr John Buchan - Clinical Lead for NOD Cataract Audit 
  • Mr Martin McKibbin - Clinical Lead for NOD AMD Audit

NOD Audit Delivery Unit

The NOD audit delivery unit is based in Gloucestershire NHS Foundation Trust. The team is responsible for the cleaning and analysis of the data on the NOD database. 

  • Ms Marta Gruszka-Goh - Medical Statistician
  • Mr Paul Donachie - Senior Medical Statistician
  • Ms Mable Monachan- Medical Statistician
  • Professor Peter Scanlon - Consultant Ophthalmologist 

Tel: 0300 422 2852      Email: ghn-tr.nod@nhs.net

Want more?

If you have any questions about the information available on this site, please email noa.project@rcophth.ac.uk