About AMD

Age-related Macular Degeneration affects the part of the retina we use for our central vision, called the macula. Estimates presently indicate that around 39,800 people develop AMD in the UK each year. 

There are two forms of AMD – wet and dry. The wet form is due to abnormal blood vessels growing within the macula, which leak fluid, and this can lead to rapid sight loss. Treatment involves regular injections of a drug into the eye. The drug stops new blood vessels growing and reduces the amount of fluid, thereby preventing further damage and maintaining vision. Treatment can be required for many years. Dry AMD is a slow deterioration of the cells of the macula, often over many years, as the retinal cells die off and are not renewed. The term ‘dry’ does not mean the person has dry eyes, just that the condition is not wet AMD.

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists works with regulatory health bodies, heath services and charities within the eye sector. We lead on recommendations and guidance, based on research and evidence, for the best patient outcomes.  We provide FAQs and patient leaflets to help you understand more about eye diseases, and what those involved in the management of eye care do.

We do not provide clinical advice as that is best managed by the health care professional or consultant that you are seeing.

Some other useful sources of information on AMD:

NHS England has produced a Shared Decision Making Tool to support shared decision making between you and your clinician. You may find they are useful before, during or between consultations depending on your care pathway.

The AMD audit aims to improve the care that patients undergoing AMD treatment receive and to achieve this, information is collected on how hospitals provide care to help them identify any area that needs improvement.

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If you have any questions about the information available on this site, please email noa.project@rcophth.ac.uk