About the Cataract Surgery Audit

The audit is intended to quality assure cataract surgery for patients. It is a powerful driver of quality improvement with year on year reductions in complication rates. Data is received from both public and private sectors and the RCOphth encourages participation of all cataract surgery service providers.

The audit aims to provide real-world benchmarks and enable patients, providers and commissioners to compare clinical outcomes and key care processes at different sites. This will enable informed decision-making and patient choice.

  • Provides an opportunity for providers to update benchmark standards of care for cataract surgery across the UK
  • It aims to drive improvements in the quality of care for patients undergoing cataract surgery by identifying variations in access to, and outcomes of, cataract surgery

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If you have any questions about the information available on this site, please email noa.project@rcophth.ac.uk